Determination of concentration of nitrates in different types of leafy vegetables by spectral methods





Journal title

International Refereed Jo urnal of Engineering and Science (IRJES)


Vol. 4 No. 3


Khayria A. H. Rahouma
Abdulkareem M. Hamid
Fatma A. K. Habail
Ali. A. Ejbali
Tariq M. H. Ali


9 - 12


The aims of this study to estimate the concentration of nitrates in different types of fresh leafy vegetables in Tripoli (Janzour). The study included several samples (cabbage, spinach, watercress, paper lettuce, romaine lettuce, dill, coriander, parsley, celery and celery). Nitrate was determined in the samples using a NitraVer 5 high range test, where nitrate ion (NO3 -) is reduced to nitrite ion (NO2 -) by cadmium, and nitrite ions reacts with Sulfanilic acid to be the diazione salt. Diaconium salt, which combines with gentisic acid Hermany, and the intensity of the color depends on the concentration of nitrate solution in the sample. Samples were measured using a device (Spectrophotometer DR1900), The analysis results were compared to each other, as well as the results obtained of previous studies of other countries. Keywords: Nitrates, Spectrophotometer, Vegetables, Diaconium salt, Sulfanilic acid.

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