E-learning content enhanced by active knowledge management techniques




Conference paper

Conference title

In IEEE 2nd International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (MI-STA’2022)


M Berrish


5 - 10


Abstract: The explosive growth of the Internet over the last few years, and the rapid changes in the global economy has given rise to the importance of e-learning. The growth and importance of the educational industry in the knowledge-based economy enforce the higher education institutions to communicate the viability and strategic value of e-leaning to gain the competitive advantage. Recently, universities have become the sites of knowledge creation, production, storage, management, dissemination, and authorization. When information and web technologies are introduced in the context of the economic imperatives brought upon them, universities find themselves in a cultural conflict between historical assumptions and practices and those of the emerging knowledge society. Universities have embraced information technologies very rapidly, however commentators doubt whether this is always being done completely rationally. Over the past years, a large number of e-learning groups in different universities around the world have been engaged in the design, development, and evaluation of tools to develop and deliver on-line courses. This experience has resulted in the production of huge number of on-line courses.

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