Pilot study for determination of blood lead levels in primary school children





Journal title

International Research Journal of Pharmacy


Vol. 3 No. 6


Aisha Edrah


179 - 182


Exposure to lead can damage the nervous, hematopoietic, and renal systems and is particularly harmful to the developing nervous systems of fetuses and children. Most children who have elevated blood lead levels (BLLs) do not have any symptoms. When symptoms, such as stomach ache, poor appetite, and irritability appear they are often confused with other childhood illnesses. The present study was initiated as a national pilot study in Libya to determine the blood lead concentration in primary school children in Tripoli. A total number of 379 chidren (189 males and 181 females) aged 6-8 years were included in the study. A venous blood sample was collected from each child in EDTA blood tubes and then the levels of lead in whole blood were determined by graphite electrothermal atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The results showed that 213 out of 379 tested children (56%) have a BLLs ≤ 10 mcg/dl and 166 (43.79%) have high BLLs (> 10 mcg/dl); with males representing 51% and females 49%. 61 of the children (16%) have BLLs between 10-14 mcg/dl, from which 8.4% were males and 7.79 were females. The results also showed that 48 out of total 379 children (13%) children have a BLLs between 20-44 mcg/dl. Interestingly this percentage was equally divided between both genders (6.33% each). Finally, foue out of 379 tested children have BLLs above 45 mcg/dl (1%). Our results drwn to the conclusion those BLLs were equally above the safe level in about 44% of the children. Such children should be evaluated and treated in accordance with CDC guideline for follow-up care, including care coordination and public health, medical and environmental management.

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