Efficacy of Calcium Phosphate Bone Allograft with EDTA Root Surface Etching in Treatment of Intrabony Periodontal Defects





Journal title

Khalij libya journal of dental and medical science


Vol. 1 No. 2


Samira buzinin
Khloud ftis
Asaad elbaoug


9 - 17


Periodontal disease has been considered as a group of inflammatory disorder involving tooth-supporting structure, characterizing by bone destruction in advancing forms. Ultimate goal of periodontal therapy includes arresting disease progression, regeneration of lost structures as well as, attain improved periodontal architecture. In this study efficacy of calcium phosphate bone Allograft with EDTA root surface etching in treatment of intrabony periodontal defects has been carried out. Thirty non-smoking patients (16 males & 14 females) of age between 38 to 52 years with severe chronic periodontitis were included. Patients were assigned to treatment groups blindly into 3 groups: G1: Intra-bony defects were grafted with micro sized (β-TCP) with a particle size that ranged from 63 to 150 µm; G2: Exposed roots were etched for 2 minutes with 24% EDTA gel, followed by intra-bony defect fill of (β-TCP) of same particle size used for G1; G3: Periodontal intra-bony defects were grafted with NHA. Intrabony defect of each group was filled by the graft till the defect margin with moderate condensation. Mucoperiosteal flap was replaced and sutured with interrupted sutures, no periodontal pack were used. It can conclude that, combining micro sized grafts with nano grafts can turn the Osteoconductive bone substitute into an osteo-inductive one, indirectly through stimulation of pro-osteogenic mediators.



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