Computer Generation of 3D Integral Imaging Animations




Conference paper

Conference title

Libyan International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Technologies (LICEET2018)


Vol. 1 No. 1


Dr. Mahmoud Geat Eljadid
Prof. Amar Aggoun


1 - 6


3D Holoscopic imaging (also known as Integral imaging) is a technique that is capable of creating and encoding a true volume spatial optical model of the object scene in the form of a planar intensity distribution by using unique optical component This paper presents an new technique that can produce 3D integral imaging animations movies, using the integral ray tracing algorithm. The main purpose of this paper is to propose a plug-in tool to interface with commercially available Ac3D Computer Graphics software package. The proposed approach is based on a 3D integral imaging ray-tracer software, multiprocessor ray tracing system, and a 3D unidirectional integral camera model. Basically, 3D camera file is required to manipulate 3D camera viewing parameters in order to have a new position of the 3D integral imaging camera. Ac3D IIP is especially developed in order to read the Ac3D model file format. Experimental results show validation of the new adapted software tool and tests on such as car and roses models. Consequently, 3D holoscopic computer animation has been created. Although a basic 3D model was used, this still showcases the principles behind 3D holoscopic imaging and it has been successfully displayed on a HoloVizio display.



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