Factors Influence The Readiness Of The Libyan Higher Educational Students Toward Using MOOC





Journal title


Dr. Ebrahem ALI Elburase


The growing trend of Massive Open Online Courses has led to an enormous number of courses accessible over the internet under different MOOCs programs. When a person wants to learn a specific module, he can easily search it on the look-up site of the MOOC program and get a group of course propositions to choose from. Sometimes, the course may not contain all the required resources. Even if the learner spends time to take one course, he may not still get significant information for the learner taught in other courses. On the other hand, experiencing all related courses is not possible for a learner, and in particular, is not necessary when the courses do not cover the desired things. In general, it is easy to learn a lecture after several lectures since the content of the previous one is on the basis of the notions mentioned lastly.