Agent-Based Models (ABM) have become popular as tools for epidemiological simulations due to their ability to model real life phenomena at individual entity levels. ABM is a relatively new area for modelling as compared to the classical modelling methods. Many different fields use agentbased models including ecology, demography, geography, political science and epidemiology. Recently, an abundance of literature has presented applications of agent-based modeling in the biological systems. In this paper, the authors present an agent-based model attempts to simulate an epidemiological disease known as Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL). The model is developed to investigate the ability of ABM in modelling a disease that keeps speeding in Libya. The methodology used for describing and designing CL model is derived from nature of the disease mechanism. The ABM model involves three types of agents: Human, Rodent and Sand-fly. Each agent has its own properties, in addition to other global parameters which affect the human infection processes. The main parameter used for monitoring the model's performance is the number of people infected. The model experiments are designed to investigate ABM’s performance in modeling CL disease. Simulation results show that human infection rate is increasing or decreasing dependent on number of sand-fly vectors, number of host rodents, and human population awareness level arabic 7 English 62