geography is one of the most important branches of geography, which is mainly divided
into two main branches: physical geography and human geography. Acquaintance
with the concept of natural geography and its relationship to other sciences,
in addition to acquainting him with extensive information about the solar
system in general, and the planet Earth in particular in terms of its daily and
annual movement and its internal composition, and the most important features
of the topography spread over its surface and the factors affecting its
formation, in addition to studying its water envelope, which includes the
distribution of water Its surface and types, its animal cover that includes
plant and animal cover, its gaseous envelope that surrounds it, and identifying
the most important constituent gases
Intended learning outcomes
his study of physical geography, the student acquires several skills, including
the ability to link internal and external factors affecting the formation of
the Earth's surface, using the geographical coordinate network to determine any
location on its surface, applying equations for determining the time in any
geographical spot, in addition to his ability to draw maps. A mind that shows
the terrain features and their distribution on the surface of the earth, and
the ability to prepare a report or a scientific paper on any natural phenomenon
that he studied in a correct scientific manner.
Teaching and learning methods
of teaching this course include giving lectures on the content of the course,
in addition to conducting field visits through which the student learns about
the most important natural phenomena in his country, and makes research papers
about them and panel discussions about them
Methods of assessments
evaluation includes 40 marks for the midterm exam, divided equally between the
written exam and research papers, at a rate of 20 marks for each, and 60 marks
for the final exam
distribution of course content
first week, the concept of physical geography and its relationship to other
second week is the solar system (the sun, the solar system, planets, moons, and
stars, the center of the Earth from the solar system).
third week, the moon (the formation of the moon, topography of its surface, the
movements of the moon and its phases, and lunar and solar eclipses).
week Earth's movements (daily movement, day and night, annual movement, and
four seasons).
week network of geographical coordinates.
week The difference in time and the calculation of time anywhere on the surface
of the earth.
week: Locating locations on any part of the Earth's surface.
week midterm exam
ninth week: the origin and age of the Earth (theories of the formation of the
Earth, the age of the Earth, the age of life on the surface of the Earth).
Ten Composition of the Earth (lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, atmosphere
and subsoil).
week Factors affecting the formation of the Earth's surface (internal,
internal, slow factors such as twists and fractures, and rapid factors such as
earthquakes and volcanoes).
week External factors affecting the formation of the Earth's surface
(weathering, erosion, winnowing, transport, and sedimentation).
thirteenth week, the distribution of land and water on the surface of the globe
(the ratio of land to water, theories of the emergence of continents and
oceans, the geographical distribution of continents and oceans on the surface
of the globe).
fourteenth week, rock groups (types of rocks, their morphology and geological
fifteenth week is the geographical distribution of the terrain features on the
earth's surface (mountains, plateaus, plains, valleys, rivers, lakes and seas).
week final exam
and references:
1 - Natural Geography,
Foundations and Modern Concepts, Muhammad Sabri Mahsoub, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Arabi
for Publishing, Cairo, 1996 AD.
2 - Introductions in
physical geography, d. Abdulaziz Tareeh Sharaf, Alexandria Book Center, 1st
Edition, 2003 AD.
3 - Natural Geography,
Earth's Surface Forms, Abdulaziz Tareeh Sharaf, University Culture Foundation
for Publishing, Alexandria, 2008.
4 - Introduction to
physical geography, d. Hassan Abusmur, d. Ali Ghanem, Dar Al-Safaa for
Publishing and Distribution, Amman, 1st edition, 1998 AD.
The course instructor is responsible for identifying the main references for
teaching the course, and using what he deems appropriate.