course is concerned with the study and development of the science of human
geography and its relationship with other sciences, its branches and schools,
the relationship of man with the environment and the impact of each on the other,
in addition to the study of the original habitat of man and human races, and
the impact of natural and human geographical factors on the distribution of
population, their density, their lifestyles, and the various economic
activities they practice. And human urbanization and its types, and patterns of
population migration and an explanation of its causes and results, and a study
of the geographical components of the state, the major geographical regions,
and the various environmental problems.
Intended learning outcomes
studying this course, the student will have reliably demonstrated that he is
able to become familiar with the concept of human geography, its origins,
branches, curricula, schools, and its relationship to other sciences, and the
impact of natural and human factors on population growth, and understand the
relationship between man and his natural environment and the extent to which he
is affected and influenced by it, and learn about the first home of man and the
species human races, human languages and religions, and becomes able to
diagnose problems and identify obstacles that affect economic production and
find solutions to them, in addition to his ability to distinguish water sources
and propose solutions to the problem of its depletion, and prepare plans to
solve problems of sustainable development, and use the computer in the
production of population distribution maps Their intensity, their activities,
the ability to communicate with others, and good time management.
Teaching and learning methods
method of education is represented in giving scientific lectures on the content
of the subject, in addition to preparing research papers and panel discussions,
and using technological methods in discussion, presentation and mapping related
to the subject
Methods of assessments
20marks for the midterm exam, 20 marks for
the various activities such as discussion panels, research papers, and method
of presentation. The final exam is 60 marks, and the passing score for the
course is 50 marks.
first week is the concept of human geography, its origin, development and
second week is the branches of human geography, its curricula, and its
relationship to other sciences.
third week is the relationship between man and the environment.
fourth week is the effect of natural and human factors on man.
fifth week, the appearance of man and his original home.
week human races.
week crafts and primitive societies.
week midterm exam.
ninth week is the language of people and their religions.
tenth week is the economic activities of man and the exploitation of
environmental resources.
week studying geographical environments.
twelfth week of human migrations, their patterns, causes, and results.
thirteenth week, urban centers and their types.
fourteenth week, the country and its geographical components.
fifteenth week, the problems resulting from the exploitation of the natural
week final exam.
1- Fathi Abu Ayana, Foundations of Human
Geography, University Knowledge House, Alexandria, 2011.
2- Fayez Muhammad Al-Issawy, Foundations of
Human Geography, University Knowledge House, Alexandria, 2000 AD.
3- Abdullah Atwi, Human Geography, Human
Struggle with the Environment, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiyyah for Publishing and
Distribution, Beirut, 1996.
4- Abd Ali Al-Hafaf, Human Geography,
General Principles, Dar Al-Fikr for Publishing and Distribution, 1st Edition,
2001 AD.
The course instructor determines the main reference for teaching the course,
and uses what he deems appropriate from the supporting references.