Knows the concept of
population geography, its development, and its most important branches.
Studying the relationship between geography and population. To compare the
sources that help the geographer in obtaining information about the population.
The student’s awareness of the demographic structure. Analyzing the population
distribution and the extent to which it is affected by the distribution of natural
and human phenomena. To propose solutions to the population and environmental
problems facing humans, such as water depletion, garbage accumulation, random
construction, and infrastructure collapse. Enable the student to draw
geographical population maps
Intended learning outcomes
The student acquires
several skills, including ability. Explains the differentiation between types
of migration, its causes and motives, natural and human conditions and their
impact on population distribution, shows the relationship between natural and abnormal
increase and expulsion and attraction areas. Understanding population censuses
and the role of the civil registry, immigration records, bulletins and reports
in these censuses. Knows the factors affecting population distribution and
explains and clarifies the density distribution Demographics on maps and
Teaching and learning methods
It includes scientific
lectures, dialogue and group discussion, working papers, the use of maps, and
projectors. Scientific trips to identify some population problems.
Methods of assessments
Midterm exam: 20%
Various activities:
Final exam: 60%
Course Content Time
The concept of
population geography and demography, the first week
The development of
population geography and its relationship to other sciences, the second week
Approaches to sources of
population studies, the third week
Fixed and non-fixed data
in fourth week population studies
Population growth and
its components, the fifth week
Births and deaths and
the factors influencing them, the sixth week
The concept of
population geography and demography, the seventh week
Midterm exam week eight
The ninth week
Population projection
tenth week
Population distribution
and factors influencing it, the eleventh week
Population density: the
twelfth week
1-Types of the thirteenth week
Measuring methods
for the fourteenth week
Migration: its types,
causes and results, the fifteenth week
Final exam sixteenth
Books and references:
Muhammad Al-Mabrouk
Al-Mahdawi / Population Geography / Third Edition / 1998 / Publications of
Garyounis University / Benghazi
Awad Yousef
Al-Haddad and Salem Faraj Salem / Applied Studies in Population Geography /
Second Edition / 2009 / Publications of Garyounis University / Benghazi
Al-Hadi Mutafa Abu
Luqma and Saad Khalil Al-Qaziri / The Jamahiriya Study in Geography / 1995 /
First Edition / The Jamahiriya House for Publishing, Distribution and
Abdulaziz Tareeh
Sharaf / Population Geography / 1971 / Second Edition / Manshaat Al-Maarif in
Note: The course
instructor determines the main reference for teaching the course, and uses what
he deems appropriate from the supporting references