This course is considered a branch of physical geography, and it is
concerned with studying the forms of the earth’s surface, as it focuses on its
origin, development, shape, and distribution. Therefore, when the student
successfully passes this course, he becomes able to know the external and
internal forces affecting the formation of the earth’s surface, its
composition, and its covers, and to have knowledge and understanding of the
terrain forms Different types of rocks and their economic importance
Intended learning outcomes
By studying this course, the student will acquire several skills, the
most important of which is his ability to distinguish between types of rocks
and their structure, in addition to his understanding of minerals and their
properties, and to analyze the relationship between rocks and their structure.
In addition, his understanding of rocks and terrain makes him able to explain
and draw the rock cycle in nature and explain the internal and external factors
that led to its formation
Teaching and learning methods
The process of teaching the course takes place through giving lectures,
in addition to the field study that increases the student's understanding of
the course content, followed by panel discussions of field observations, in
addition to visual presentations that explain some types of rocks or landforms
Methods of assessments
تتضمن عملية التقييم 40 درجة مقسمة بين 20 درجة لامتحان نصف الفصل ، بالإضافة إلى 20 درجة موزعة بين المشاركة في مناقشة وشرح الأوراق البحثية ، و 60 درجة للامتحان النهائي.
Content Time Distribution
concept of geomorphology as a branch of physical geography, first week
layers and rocks, the second week
rocks and the most important terrestrial phenomena associated with them, the
third week
rocks and the most important phenomena associated with them, the fourth week
rocks week five
affecting the formation of the earth's surface, the sixth week
internal factors
1- Earthquakes
and related phenomena. Seventh week
exam week eight
2- Volcanoes
and associated phenomena, the ninth week
internal factors
1- Sprains
and the most important phenomena associated with them, the tenth week
2- Refractions
and the most important phenomena associated with them, the eleventh week
external factors
1- Wind
and water erosion, twelfth week
2- Glacial
and marine erosion, the thirteenth week
study of some topographical phenomena locally and their applied importance, the
fourteenth week