The aim of studying this
course is to provide students with the ability to read and understand
geographical texts in English, and the ability to translate the meanings of
geographical terms contained therein into Arabic, in addition to encouraging
them to learn languages, especially English, as it is more widely used at the
global level, and to enable them to read Some geographical texts and terms and
their correct pronunciation, in addition to understanding their meanings and
thus the ability to translate them, taking into account those terms of one
Latin origin. With as much geographical terms as possible, it will be easier
for him to continue his postgraduate studies to obtain master's and doctoral
Intended learning outcomes
One of the most important outcomes of learning geographical
terminology is the ability to follow the scientific development in the science
of geography, especially after the development of space science and the arrival
of man to the moon and the use of satellites, and they all require a precise
understanding of the language and terminology used in this era and the
increasing progress that may follow, and all of this helps the student To truly
understand what is happening in terms of geographical changes, whether on Earth
or those related to stars, planets, seas and moons.
Teaching and learning methods
Teaching methods for this
course include scientific lectures, group discussion, and working papers
Methods of assessments
Midterm exam: 20 marks.
Various activities: 20 marks.
Final exam: 60 marks.
Week 1 What is Geography?
The second week Fields of Physical geography?
Third week Fields of human geography?
Fourth week Regional Geography
Fifth week Economic Geography
Week Six The four Spheres of the Earth
Seventh week Latitude and Longitude
Eighth week midterm exam
The ninth week Types of maps
Week Ten Ocean and Oceanography
Week Eleven Rivers and Oceanography
Twelfth week Methods of Geography
The thirteenth week Sahara, great desert area
Week Fourteen Geographic Information System
Week Fifteen Remote Sensing
Sixteenth week final exam
Books and references:
1- Abu Al-Qasim Al-Azabi, Muhammad Al-Awar, The New
Dictionary of Geographical Terms, Arab Development Institute.
2- Youssef Tony, Dictionary of Geographical Terms, Dar
Al-Fikr Al-Arabi, Cairo.
3- Pierre George, Dictionary of Geographical Terms,
University Foundation for Studies and Publishing.
The course instructor is responsible for identifying the main references for
teaching the course, and using what he deems appropriate