This course
includes a comprehensive study of the most important non-renewable energy
sources represented in coal, oil, natural gas and minerals .... It includes an
overview of old energy sources and an explanation of the importance and
necessity of searching for alternatives to fossil energy, as well as studying
renewable energy sources (clean) solar energy, wind energy And the tides. Which
makes the personality of the future teacher a personality with extensive
experience on energy sources and it is possible to solve any problem facing his
country, so do not progress without making the best use of all the resources of
the state. And also explain any information contained in the textbook as a
result of the prior culture of this course.
The student will
acquire knowledge and skills after passing this course, which are
Intended learning outcomes
development and characteristics, and to compare
energy sources and types, and between the geography of ancient non-renewable
and modern renewable energy resources, to distinguish between types of economic
resources and their distribution in the world, and to draw a map showing the distribution
of energy sources, and to explain their importance and role in development
processes, and shows the forms and characteristics of water resources as a
source of natural energy, and mentions the importance of livestock and the
factors affecting it, and draws a map of the distribution of livestock in the
world, and defines mineral resources and their importance as a source of
energy, and mentions the factors affecting the investment of mineral resources,
and shows the importance of oil as a basic source of global energy , and builds
a table of oil alternatives, represented by nuclear energy, solar energy and
wind energy perfectly, and draws a map of the geographical distribution of oil,
oil industries and its global trade, and concludes the concept of depletion of
natural resources and its causes
Teaching and learning methods
Scientific lectures, group dialogue and
discussion, research working papers, the use of maps, projectors, live models,
if any (oil, coal) and teaching aids
Methods of assessments
Midterm exam:
- Various activities: 20%
- Final exam: 60%
Passing score:
Course Content
Time Distribution
Defining the
geography of natural resources, their development, characteristics and
classifications, the first week
Natural and
economic resources, their sources, types and distribution. second week
The importance
of natural resources, and their role in the economic development processes, the
third week
. Water resources, their forms and characteristics, the
fourth week
Water problems
fifth week
Livestock and
its importance, the sixth week
affecting livestock and their geographical distribution, the seventh week
Midterm exam
week eight
resources and energy sources, the ninth week
The importance
of minerals and energy tenth week
affecting the investment of mineral resources and energy sources, the eleventh
Oil as a
primary source of global energy, the twelfth week
to oil and other energy sources: nuclear energy, new and renewable energy
(solar energy, wind energy) the thirteenth week
distribution of oil, oil industries, global trade, the fourteenth week
Depletion of
natural resources and its causes. Fifteenth week
Final exam
sixteenth week
Books and
Development, Exploitation of Natural Resources and Renewable Energy, Nizar Awni
Al-Labadi, Dar Degla, 2015.