is a branch of physical geography, and it is one of the sciences that developed
in the twentieth century. The aim of studying biogeography is to understand
what is being studied about plants, animals, soils, and humans, and to know its
impact on the elements of the biosphere, and to realize the resulting
disturbances in the natural environmental balance. . The study of the biosphere
with its various components and its importance to the planet Earth increases
students’ knowledge of ways to preserve this cover and its various components,
knowledge of the factors affecting the distribution of plant and animal
organisms, focus on the study of soil, its distribution and the problems it
encounters, the study of plants, their distribution and forms, animals, humans
and the cycle of pollution The natural environment, in addition to the study of
biodiversity and the methods of environmental adaptation of living organisms
Intended learning outcomes
After the student succeeds in studying
the course, he will be able to understand the importance of biogeography,
realize the importance of plants, know the locations of the geographical
distribution of plants and soil in the world, know the importance of the
Earth's biosphere, distinguish between types of food chains, use maps to
classify vital regions and their geographical distribution, and participate in
awareness campaigns to solve soil problems and methods. treat it
Teaching and learning methods
The course is taught by giving
lectures interspersed with panel discussions and visual presentations in order
to clarify the idea more, while prompting students to search the information
network for what increases their understanding of the content of the course.
Methods of assessments
course is evaluated by calculating 40 marks for the work divided into 20 marks
for the midterm exam and 20 marks for participating in the discussion in the
lecture and preparing a research paper. A written final exam of 60 degrees is
conducted in order to follow in the same footsteps as the college
distribution of course content
first week: the concept of biogeography, its importance, its branches, and its
relationship to other sciences
second week, environmental degrees (major - local - citizen)
week Earth's biosphere, its limits and components
fourth week, vital regions and their geographical distribution
fifth week, the idea of endurance when living
week theories of the evolution of neighborhoods on the surface of the earth
week environmental controls for neighborhoods
week midterm exam
ninth week, the dangers facing living organisms and ways to protect them
week definition of soil and its importance and its relationship to geography
week Factors affecting soil formation
twelfth week, the ideal soil profile and its components
thirteenth week, soil types, characteristics and geographical distribution
week Soil problems and ways to treat them
week Adaptation (adaptation of organisms)
week final exam
and references: -
1- Contemporary
Biogeography, Dr. Abdel Fattah Siddik. Knowledge House for Human Development.
2- Biogeography and
soil. Dr. Hussein Youssef Abu Samour. House of Massara.
3- Biosphere geography.
Dr. Abdul Salam Sheikh Al-Ghaziri, Dr. Abu Bakr Al-Salihi.
4- Fundamentals of
biogeography. Dr. Essam Abbas Babiker, International House for Publishing and
Note: The course instructor is responsible for
identifying the main references for teaching the course, and using what he
deems appropriate