RF117 : Analytical hadith (1)


Academic Program

Bachelor in religion fundamentals







That the student is able to study the hadith methodology and the method of deduction. 12. That the student be able to view the appropriate hadithsIntroducing the student to the ancestors of the nation and their interest in the chain of transmission. 34. Introducing the student to what the predecessors and successors enjoyed in terms of practical application and guiding him to follow their example.

Intended learning outcomes

a. Knowledge and understandingThat the student learn how to derive judgment from the hadith.12. To explain the hadeeth to the student3. That the student recognizes the narrator of the hadith4. The student should recognize the linguistic and rhetorical jokes from the hadithB . Scientific and professional skillsThat the student apply the general principles in analyzing the words of the hadeeth2. The student puts the lesson questions correctly through the content of the hadith3. The student should write the general objectives of the speech4. The student should write the educational and scientific objectives of the hadith

Teaching and learning methods

The course is offered to the student through:LecturesPanel discussions

Methods of assessments

The evaluation can be divided into sections:written exam 30%oral exam 5%Activity 5%Written final exam 60%60 marks for the final exam