ITEL122 : General English2


Department of Mobile Computing

Academic Program

Bachelor in Mobile Computing








Introduction and augmentation of specialized vocabulary and aspects of scientific technical English used in the different departments of engineering. Listening comprehension

Intended learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students should be able to:
  • Apply the knowledge of the four English language skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing.
  • Learn the accurate pronunciation of the English words.
  • Introduce different cultures by learning English language.
  • Learn the basics of the English language.
  • Learn the rules of the English language.
  • Learn the oral and written expressions in English language.
  • Communicate with English language speakers in English.
  • Translate some words and texts.

Teaching and learning methods

  • Lectures.
  • Panel discussions

Methods of assessments

  • Mid- exam ( Written ) = 40 Marks
  • Final- exam ( Written) = 60 Marks

Course contents

  • "Where people live. " Household items
  • "Grammar. " There is / There are / + - ?
  • Places and directions.
  • "Grammar. " Past simple / regular and irregular verbs
  • Say the years and careers in English.
  • Ordinal numerals and months
  • Sport and leisure.
  • "Expressing the past. " Questions and negatives
  • "My last holiday. " Writing
  • Filling in forms
  • Verbs and nouns that go together.

Principles of Games Developments (ITMC404)
Parallel and Distributed Computing (ITMC403)
Mobile Multimedia (ITMC402)
Mobile 3D Graphics (ITMC401)
Mobile Commerce (ITMC304)
Programming Paradigms (ITMC302)
ARM microprocessor (ITMC301)
Arabic language 1 (ITAR111)
General English1 (ITEL111)
Physics (ITPH111)
Intro to Information Technology (ITGS111)
Problem solving Technic (ITGS113)
Mathematics I (ITMM111)
Arabic language 2 (ITAR122)
Mathematics II (ITMM122)
General English2 (ITEL122)
Introduction to Programming (ITGS122)
System Analysis and Design (ITGS124)
logic Circuit Design (ITGS126)
Introduction to Statistics (ITST211)
Object Oriented Programmin (ITGS211)
Introduction to Software Engineering (ITGS213)
Introduction to Networking (ITGS215)
Discrete Structures (ITGS217)
Numerical analysis (ITGS219)
Computer Architucture & Organization (ITGS223)
Data Structure (ITGS220)
Foundation of Information Systems (ITGS222)
Information Security (ITGS224)
Introduction to Internet Programming (ITGS226)
Introduction to Databases (ITGS228)
Mobile Applications Development (ITMC311)
Design and Analysis algorithms (ITGS301)
Operating System (ITGS302)
Principles of mobile communication networks (ITMC312)
IT Project Management (ITGS303)
Scientific Writing (ITGS304)
Cross-Platform Mobile App Development (Flutter) (ITMC323)
Heterogeneous and Mobile Databases (ITMC322)
Mobile Interaction Design (ITMC321)
Mobile Operating System (ITMC313)
Security in mobile computing (ITMC411)
Personal Area Networks (ITMC412)
Social Networking (ITMC413)
Networks Programming (ITMC414)
Fundamentals ubiquitous computing (ITMC421)
Cloud Computing (ITMC422)