President of the Presidential Council Participates in the Forum of Graduates of the Faculty of Engineering.

President of the Presidential Council Participates in the Forum of Graduates of the Faculty of Engineering.

On Saturday, the Forum of Graduates of the Faculty of Engineering- Tripoli  University, was organized by faculty administration. The President of the Presidential Council of the Government of National Accord took part in the forum, which was opened by the President of the University Nabil Al-Natah who delivered a speech, in which he called upon the other faculties of the University to follow the same example and organize similar forums in order to build bridges of communication and exchange of experiences.

The forum was, also, attended, by  the university's vice/presidents, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, faculty members of the various colleges and dozens of graduates and students of the faculty. The program included honoring the first batch of the faculty graduates.  


The President of the Presidential Council improvised a speech, in which he expressed his happiness to meet with his colleagues and stressed the importance of holding such meetings, which provide an opportunity for communication between graduates and enforce the link between the faculty and its graduates.


In his speech, Mr. the President said that the need for engineers from different universities will increase with the start of the construction and reconstruction stages this year, stressing the importance of the University's contribution to the development plans.
