Tripoli University Celebrates the Standard Poetry

In celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the university, the Department of General  Activity at the University of Tripoli organized this Sunday morning  the festival of  Tripoli University poets for the academic year 2018 under the slogan " Through Determination …We Can." The festival, held at the theater of the Faculty of Engineering,  was attended by :   "Honorary President of the festival ," Dr. Abdul Mawla al-Baghdadi along with the president of the Higher Committee for the 60th Anniversary Celebration Dr. Mohamed Abdel Rahim , Director of the General Activity Department of the University, Mr. Mohamed Aboglida, Mr. Khairi Abohebel, Director of the Cultural Office, Mr. Mohamed Bin Halim, Director of the Communication and Media Office, Ms. Mabrouka Al Rayani, the student supervisor and a number of guests along with a large collection of students as well as a group of public administration staff and a general activity management staff.

The festival was opened with verses from the Holy Quran recited  by   student Milad al-Fitouri followed by a speech delivered by  Dr. Abdul Mawla al-Baghdadi, in which he praised the efforts exerted to make this festival a success. The festival witnessed a fine literary competition among all participants,. Each participant presented his standard poetry. The young poets' themes varied , but it was all characterized by creativity  and ingenuity.

The festival, in which 18 students participated  representing different faculties of the university, included speeches by the president and members of the festival's referees panel. At the end of the festival, which was  well attended, a collection of poems for Dr. Abdul Mawla al-Baghdadi, who was honored  in this festival, was  distributed among all the attenders.

It is worth mentioning that the referee panel consists of Dr. Abdul Sattar Basha, Dr. Alaa Al-usti, Dr. Khalid Al-Oud, Dr. Mohammed Al-Mazougi and poet Omar Abdel-Daaem.
