The Chairman of the Alumni Committee Comments the Role of the University

The Chairman of the Graduates Committee at the University of Tripoli, Dr. Khalid Al-Margany, delivered a speech on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the university. He emphasized the role of the university in graduating tens of thousands of students since 1960/61 who contributed in moving the wheel of development and supporting scientific and health programs. In his speech on the contribution of the administration of the University of Tripoli and its Council in the development and strengthening of its status and raise the level of its services and outputs in the belief that the graduates are ambassadors of their university and that their scientific and voluntary role and support the environment and local communities is a reflection on the level of paper outputs of the University.

It is worth mentioning that the University of Tripoli had announced the announcement of the Association of Graduates in the celebration of its 60th anniversary.

