Conclusion of the Ramadan contest to memorize and recite the Holy Quran

The second Ramadan contest for the memorization and recitation of the Holy Quran, organized by the Department of Public Activity at the University of Tripoli, concluded on Tuesday, June 12, 2018. The competition was attended by 100 students from different faculties participating  in the three parts of the competition:: memorizing the Holy Quran, memorizing half of it and reciting it .

The concluding  ceremony was attended by the Director of general activity at the University, Mr. Mohammed Aboglida, and the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Saeed Al-Debbeeb, the Director of the Communication and Information Office at the Department of General  Activities Mohammed Bin Halim, the Director of the Cultural Office Khairi Abu Habil, and Staff and faculty members.

The Director of Public Activity Department explained that the results of the competition will be announced on Wednesday at 11:30 pm through the official page of the Department of General Activity at the University of Tripoli.

He added that the committee supervising the competition will honor the winners after   Eid al-Fitr and will give prizes to the winners of every part of the three parts.

