The "Civil Law" course generally seeks to clarify the theory of law by introducing it to the legal rule, its characteristics, types, sources, and how to apply it. It also introduces the student to the theory of rights, which includes the concept of rights, persons of rights, place of rights, and sources of rights.This course aims to provide the student with the following:That the student recognizes the characteristics of the legal rule and the difference between social rules and legal rulesThe student discusses the types of legal rules.The student should write the sources of the legal rule.The student should explain the scope of the application of the legal rules.To explain the legal rules to the student.The student presents the theories of truth.That the student employs the definition of the right and its divisions.
Intended learning outcomes
First: Mental Skills:• The student will be introduced to the law, its function, necessity, foundation, and its relationship to other sciences.• The student should identify the characteristics of the legal rule and the difference between legal, religious, and ethical rules.• That the student differentiates between the different sources of law "legislation, Islamic law, custom, treaties, and agreements."Second: Scientific and Professional Skills:• Enhancing the student's ability to acquire legal skills and enable him to understand accurate legal terminology.• The ability to understand legal texts, regulations, and decisions, to research them, and to derive useful information from them.• The ability to employ the law in its specific areas.
Teaching and learning methods
The course is offered to the student through:• Giving lectures using the Slide System presentation.• Panel discussions.• Assigning the student a working paper to be discussed during the lectures.
Methods of assessments
Evaluation method:• Written midterm exam 30%.• Activity 10%.• Final written exam 60%