Economic development, code IE 212, is taught to second-year students from the Department of Islamic Economics, two hours per week. In this course, the student studies topics, including: the concept, nature, and objectives of development and underdevelopment and their characteristics, including economic development in Islamic thought, including the study of the most important causes of underdevelopment in developing countries, features Underdevelopment in developing countries and obstacles to development in them. The study of the course includes the most important theories of economic development in traditional and modern thought. It also includes a study of internal and external sources of financing economic development, and obstacles to economic development. It teaches the role of agriculture, population, industry, trade, health and education in economic development. Teaching development measures and the concept of development in the Islamic economic system. The course aims to:1- The course aims to introduce students to the concept, principles and objectives of economic development. its most important obstacles2- Spreading awareness of the most important developmental issues as an essential element in promoting human development.3- The course aims to provide the student with analytical frameworks for economic development processes by identifying the obstacles and indicators of economic development, as well as the role played by the economic sectors in achieving development.
Intended learning outcomes
First: the fat skills:1- That the student links between study and application.2- The student analyzes economic indicators and proposes solutions.3- The student should use the knowledge he acquired in solving the problem of development obstacles.Second: scientific and professional skills.1- Enhancing the student's ability to use what he has studied in professional applications.2- The ability to understand and research books on economic development and extract useful information from them.3- Enhancing the student's ability to understand the connection between technology and experience in achieving sustainable development.
Teaching and learning methods
The course is offered to the student through• Theoretical lectures.• Panel discussions
Methods of assessments
Evaluation method• Written midterm exam 40%• Final written exam 60%