IT 104 : Laboratory 1


Department of Italian Language

Academic Program

Bachelor in Italian Language







The course, Laboratory 1, is a subject taught in the first semester. It is a specialization course in the Italian Language Department and precedes it. The course, Laboratory 1, numbered IT104, is considered one of the main and basic courses in teaching the student the correct pronunciation of letters, words, and sentences. This course is based on audio and phonics. The goal of teaching it is to give the student the ability to pronounce correctly and the ability to comprehend everything he hears

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of the 14th week, the student should be able to:
  • Proper reading and correct use of punctuation marks
  • The ability to give summaries of the dialogues and pieces he listens to
  • He must be able to understand audio dialogues and their content
At the end of the semester, the student will be able to comprehend everything he hears, express it, and summarize it. He will be able and proficient in simple dialogues that are important in daily life, with the ability to pronounce correctly and construct appropriate terms to build sentences, taking into account punctuation marks, and summarizing what he hears because the laboratory material It depends entirely on the audio material, so the student must. At the end of the semester, he must have the ability to comprehend what is heard and the ability to respond to it in a correct manner

Teaching and learning methods

  • Theoretical lectures
  • Periodic assignments where the student writes and reviews at home.
  • Exercises and tests

Methods of assessments

  • Duties/activities 10
  • Written exam 30
  • Final exam 60
  • Total 100

The Basic sources and References of the Course

  • Corso multimediale di lingua e civilta' italiana
  • Progetto italiano 1 T, Marin
  • Progetto italiano 2 S,Magnelli
  • www.edilingua.