By the
end of the course the student will be able to:
A. Knowledge
& understand
A.1. Understanding
of the physical properties of soil and its role in the study and management of
soil and water.
A.2. Practicing
many physical analyzes of soil samples in the laboratory
A.3. Instruct the student to be familiar with modern concepts
of many physical phenomena that occur in the soil system.
Mental skills
Understanding the different theories in the field of soil physics and how to
apply them in practice
The ability to conduct and interpret the results of soil physical analyzes in
the laboratory and field to determine the physical properties of soil and their
relationship to soil and water management
Deep understanding of soil behavior and its impact on the selection of
appropriate agricultural machinery and equipment for soil service
Practical & professional skills
The ability to evaluate the physical status of different soils and its
relationship to soil management from the agricultural point of view.
Deep understanding of the physical laws that govern the movement of water, air,
salts and heat in the soil.
Deep understanding of the physical and mechanical behavior of the soil and its
relationship to the movement of agricultural machinery in the soil.
Generic and transferable skills
enable the student to learn the technical skills to work in the field and the
laboratory and develop decision-making capabilities in relation to soil and
water management.
work with research teams interested in estimating the physical properties of
participate with stakeholders and investors in the field of soil and water to
enable it to discuss solutions to problems that may arise in related
agricultural activities.