SW4603 : Advanced Ground Water Hydrology


Department of Soil and Water

Academic Program

Master in Water Science







The Advanced Groundwater Hydrology course is concerned with the study of the movement of water in underground Aquifers, including the movement of water in various aquifers, hydraulics and phenomena related to groundwater such as seawater intrusion, land subsidence, aquifer recharge, and the movement of pollutants through groundwater.

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of the course the student will be able to:

Acknowledge and understanding.

A.1. The student's understanding of the relationship between groundwater, surface water and groundwater aquifers in Libya.

A.2. The student's knowledge of the importance of groundwater hydrology

A.3. The student's ability to understand the different characteristics of groundwater and its quality.

A.4. Student assessment of well and pump costs.

A.5. Students' knowledge of the problems of groundwater wells and the encroachment of salt water on groundwater.

B. Mental skills

B.1. Enabling the student to understand the movement of groundwater and its flow inside wells.

B. 2. Enabling the student to plan for operations and exploration of underground wells.

B.3. The student should be able to evaluate underground wells

B.4. Enabling the student to deal with and solve the problems they face in managing groundwater and finding appropriate solutions for them.

C. Scientific and professional skills.

C.1. The student will be able to describe the groundwater in the hydrological cycle.

C.2. The student should be able to use the laws of movement of water and solutes in porous media.

C.3. The student should be able to describe the hydraulic properties of groundwater reservoirs.

C.4.That the student be able to know the problems associated with groundwater reservoirs

D. General and transferable skills.

D.1. The student should be able to use software associated with the movement of water and solutes in a porous medium.

D.2. That the student can deal with problems related to groundwater in research groups.

D.3. The student should be able to communicate with the authorities related to the development and sustainability of groundwater.

Teaching and learning methods

1. Theoretical lectures based on good diction and the use of brainstorming method.

2. Homework.

3. Field visit.

Methods of assessments


Evaluation methods

Evaluation Date



First written exam

After the sixth week

20 %


Second written exam

After the tenth week

20 %


Field Trip

during the semester

20 %


Final written exam

After the twelfth week

40 %
