The course "Theory of Ownership and Contracts" seeks in general to explain the theories of jurisprudence in terms of identifying the meaning of the theory, explaining its origin, its importance, how to formulate it, its pillars and conditions, and applying that to several jurisprudential theories (such as the theory of contract, property, ....).This course aims to provide the student with the following:• The student should know how to derive jurisprudential rulings from the new issues of jurisprudential theories.• That the student recognizes the concept of theory and its pillars.• The student should review the opinions regarding the emerging rulings of these theories, criticize the more likely ones, discuss their evidence, and choose the more correct one.• That the student learns the details of the theories: ownership of full and incomplete, general and private ownership, the reasons for ownership, characteristics of ownership, cases of termination of ownership, as well as contracts, their pillars, conditions, and provisions.
Intended learning outcomes
Cognitive skills:• Collecting similarities and isotopes scattered in the chapters of jurisprudence in one theory.• Eliciting jurisprudential rulings from the new jurisprudential theories and their contemporary applications through theorizing and appending to the legal rules.• The student's application of the methods followed by scholars in their jurisprudential studies.• Analysis of jurisprudential texts.• Examine the information and express an opinion.• Eliciting the reason for the dispute and its fruit.• Visualizing issues and applying them to reality.• Balancing statements and evidence.Scientific research and arrangement of information from various sources.• Discovering the jurisprudential differences between similar issues.
Teaching and learning methods
The course is offered to the student through:• Giving lectures using the Slide System presentation.• Panel discussions and dialogue.• Assigning the student a working paper to be discussed during the lectures.
Methods of assessments
Evaluation method:• Written midterm exam 30%.• Activity 10%.• Final written exam 60%