Launching of the training program titled (professional women journalists)

Launching  of the training program  titled (professional women journalists)

The first day of the training program (Women's Professional Journalist Course) was held at the Media Lab at the Faculty of Arts and Media - University of Tripoli with the participation of 20 trainees in the first group. The training program of the first group will continue throughout July . The second course will be attended by 20 trainees, who will be trained throughout August. The training program will include training courses in the areas of press editing, photography, television photography, montage, television reporter, press conference and press release.

Dr. Khaled Ghulam, Director of the Media Lab, gave a speech on the occasion , in which he greeted the participants for their attendance and wished that they benefit from the program . Dr. Gholam gave an extensive explanation  about the media lab, its beginnings, activities and  work programs that the media lab. achieved.

Dr. Abdel Hakim Madi, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Media, Tripoli University, visited the trainees participating in the training program (professional women's journalism course) on Saturday afternoon. Dr. Madi gave a speech welcoming the participants, wishing them all the best, stressing . that the Faculty of Arts and Media through the media laboratory is ready to extend a helping hand to all those interested in raising  and developing their competencies in all the areas of media work .

Teacher and trainer Jalal Othman started the first training day  by talking about the nature of  press  news (its foundation, definitions, principles, conditions and rules of writing).
