ِAP 4003 : Field Plot Technique


Department of Gardening

Academic Program

Master in Horticulture







Introduction (principles and some statistical concepts) - t-test and chi-square test - analysis of variance (assumptions and conditions of analysis of variance - data transformation) - statistical designs in one-factor and factorial experiments (completely randomized design (CRD) - The randomized complete block design (RCBD) - Latin square design) - Isolation of Means Tests (Comparison of Coefficient Means) - Split-plot and split-split-plot design - Forked or cascade design.

Intended learning outcomes

Bypass successfully this course, the student should be able to:

a. Knowledge and understanding:

b. Mental skills:

c. Scientific and professional skills:

d. Generic and transferable skills

Teaching and learning methods

  • Theoretical lectures based on good diction and the use of data show.
  • Applications and exercises for designing experiments and evaluation within the practical part.
  • Teamwork when studying research and evaluation proposal designs within the practical part.

Methods of assessments

No.Assessments methodsAssessments date (week)Grade (%)
11st midterm exam (Written) + reports and assignmentsafter the 5th week of study25%
22nd midterm exam (Written) + reports and assignmentsafter the 10th week of study25%
3Final exam (Written)after the 12thweek of study50%
TotalAt the end of the semester100%

The references:

Biostatistics for animal science CABI1stM. Kaps and W.Lamberson
Statistical MethodsIowa State Uni. Pres1stSnedecor and Cochran
تصميم وتحليل التجارب الزراعيةمنشورات جامعة الموصل – العراق1stخاشع الراوي وعبد العزيز خلف