EC246 : Bases of Curricula


Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies

Academic Program

Bachelor in Arabic







The course is presented to the students of the College of Education in all their specializations. The course is concerned with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the curriculum and the importance of studying it. It also recognizes the concepts related to the school curriculum, its foundations, pillars, elements and types, and to understand the great burden that falls on it as a future teacher in the process of implementing the curriculum. To provide opportunities for fruitful thinking and learning.

Intended learning outcomes

After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to: The student will be familiar with the concept of curricula. Compare the traditional and modern curriculum. The ability to distinguish between types of curricula and evaluate them. Enumerate the components of the school curriculum system. 10- He uses what he studied about the foundations of building the curriculum in the philosophical, educational, psychological, social and cognitive foundations. 11- The student should use electronic learning resources and educational websites related to the course. 12- The student should be able to form positive relationships with colleagues during discussions and collaborative work.

Teaching and learning methods

Lecture method to enhance students' recollection of course topics. Discussion and dialogue to deepen students' understanding of the knowledge included in the course.

Methods of assessments

Students' assessment in this course is distributed as follows: Chapter work (40%) and final (60%) Chapter work (40%) divided between: First written test of the style of objective tests and short essays (20%), oral test (10%) Scientific activities (such as writing a report (10%), final written exam (60%), passing score (50%)

References: A note written by Dr. Subhiya Al-Sayeh. Jawdat Saadeh (2004) The Contemporary School Curriculum, Amman, Dar Al-Fikr.