CS113 : Digital circuits


Department of Computer

Academic Program

Bachelor in computer







Correctly solve arithmetic operations on numerical systems Knowing the form and functioning of basic logic gates and truth tables for each of them, and how to connect them to form logical circuits Knowing the rules of Boolean algebra and the method of deriving the Boolean expression for logical circuits, representing logical circuits using the Boolean expression, and converting the Boolean expression into a truth table Study of De Morgan's theory, and representation of combinational logic circuits using NAND, NORAnd number systems represent the numbers carrying the signal, codes and encryption, logic gates, Karnaugh tables, building logical circuits using reverse gates, intersection, flippers, binary system counters, sequential and modulus, ascending and descending, registers, binary addition and logic circuits, main memory, input, output and control. Laboratory experiments covering the basics of combinational logical operations, temporary flip-flops, sequential operations such as registers and counters, arithmetic logic circuits for addition and subtraction operations, logical circuits for data retrieval and storage, search for instructions, and design methods for synchronous and asynchronous logical circuits.

Intended learning outcomes

1. The student should know the numerical systems, how to convert from one number system to another, and how to solve the arithmetic operations for each system.

2. The student recognizes the different logic gates and their use to form logical circuits and Boolean equations

3. To show the student how to simplify Boolean expressions using the laws of Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps

4. The student enumerates the basic components of the sequential circuits and how they are connected to each other and truth tables for each component and how to use it.

5. The student should explain how to design sequential circuits and draw the design and the truth table for each design

Teaching and learning methods

1. Lectures

2. Discussion and dialogue

3. Solve the exercises

Methods of assessments

first half 20%

second half 20%

final exam 60%

Total 100%

Course content

The course aims to identify the numeric systems (decimal, binary, octal, sixteenth) and how to convert from one system to another.

Scientific subject

The number of hours

A converting systems from decimal to other systems


Numerical systems and arithmetic operations


Ciphers and BCD-ASCII encoders


Basic logic gates


Boolean algebra and Karnaugh k-map tables


Building logic circuits (AND,OR,XOR,NOT)


Analysis and design of combinational circuits


Binary addition and subtraction circuits and building the main memory


All kinds of grabs and tippers


Counters and their types


Sequential circuit analysis


Sequential circuit design


the total



. Digital Design by Morris Mano & Michael D. Cile

Author Internet Sites Morris M