SW1003 : General Microbiology (Theoretical)


Department of Plant Protection

Academic Program

Bachelor in Plant Protection







The general microbiology course describes the diversity of microorganisms, the structure and function of bacterial cells, and also describes microbial growth and metabolism. Methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms by physical and chemical means are also addressed. This course also describes the basic genetic systems of bacteria, bacteriophages, and plasmids. During this course, the student will learn the role of microorganisms in food production and preservation, and their ability to cause food borne infections. This course also aims to teach students how to use beneficial microorganisms in agricultural, industrial and environmental applications.

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of the course the student will be able to:

A. Knowledge and understanding

1. Defines the major taxonomic groups when classifying microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses)

2. Compares methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms with physical and chemical means

3. Explains the different stages in the growth curve of bacteria

4. Outlines the steps of glucose metabolism in bacteria under aerobic and anaerobic conditions

5. Describes the basic principle or central dogma of molecular biology and the transmission of genetic information.

B. Mental Skills

B.1. Analyzes the growth and reproduction of microorganisms.

B.2. Discusses the factors affecting the growth of microorganisms

B.3. Shows the most important differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms

B.4. Gives examples of beneficial microorganisms, their applications, harmful microorganisms, and the problems they cause.

B.5. Relates the trophic ways by which microorganisms feed, the environmental conditions

C. Practical & professional skills

C.1. Distinguishes the types of microorganisms through their morphological and structural characteristics and their feeding methods.

C.2. Employs microorganisms and the impact of their growth in the service of man and the environment

C.3. Proposes ways and means to improve plant growth, agricultural production and food processing using microbes

C.4. Draws the bacteria cells and cells of eukaryotic microorganisms, including the organelles they contain.

C.5. Derives the messenger RNA sequence from the DNA sequence

in which they live, and their metabolism.

D. Generic and transferable skills

D.1. Possesses the knowledge and ability to use computers and related technology efficiently.

D.2. Writes reports and working papers on the course topics

D.3. Uses critical thinking and problem-solving skills when dealing with information, concepts and theories related to the course

D.4. Adheres to microbial safety procedures

D.5. Contributes to community awareness on combating communicable and transmitted microbial diseases

Teaching and learning methods

1. Lectures (diction + brainstorming + discussion)

2. Duties (collecting information pertaining to some of the course contents).

2. Watching educational films

Methods of assessments


Assessment date

Assessment Method



After the fifth week of study

First midterm exam



After the tenth week of study

Second midterm exam



After the week of twelfth study

Final midterm exam


