AP1003 :


Department of Gardening

Academic Program

Bachelor in Horticulture







Introduction to animal production explains the relationship between the principles and foundations of the main sciences of animal production, namely physiology, nutrition and genetics. It also enables the student to identify the physiological systems associated with hormones and reproductive efficiency. And enable him to distinguish between methods of genetic improvement in farm animals. As will enable him to identify the nutrients that make up the feed and their functions, and how the animal benefits from them

Intended learning outcomes

Bypass successfully this course, the student should be able to:

a. knowledge and understanding:

    • Learns about the old and modern breeds and different hybrids of farm animals (poultry, sheep, cows).
    • Reviews the breeding and production methods of different farm animals (poultry, sheep, cows).
    • Describes the breeding and reproduction processes used in farm animals (such as hatching and fertilization methods).
    • Shows the methods of practical procedures and correct scientific concepts followed in the process of slaughtering and freezing farm animal carcasses.
    • Identifies diseases affecting farm animals, their causes, and ways to prevent and treat them.

      b. Mental skills:

      • Connects between different animal breeds and the purpose of raising each breed (poultry, sheep, cows).
      • Compares the descriptive and quantitative characteristics that contribute to improving production.
      • Discusses the incubation and hatching process in poultry and methods of fertilization for farm animals (sheep and cows).
      • Summarizes the methods of conducting the correct slaughtering and freezing processes and the causes of contamination and spoilage of the various carcasses.
      • Discusses the different pathogens (food and microbial) and methods of prevention and treatment used in barns.

      c. Practical & professional skills:

      • Proposes the best global strains suitable for local conditions for various production purposes.
      • Combines descriptive adjectives and quantitative adjectives that are involved in improving production
      • Applies the process of incubation and hatching in poultry, as well as methods of insemination of farm animals.
      • Applies the correct scientific and practical procedures in the various slaughtering, freezing and storage operations.
      • Diagnosis of diseases and abnormal symptoms and methods of prevention and appropriate treatment for various farm animals.

      d. Generic and transferable skills:

      • Adheres to the time and controls followed during the practical lectures.
      • Communicates with others within a work team.
      • Uses old and new tools and techniques.
      • Do self-study and achieve continuous practical learning.
      • Solves the problems you face in cooperation with others

      Teaching and learning methods

      • Laboratory lectures are supported by video clips and pictures shown on the data show.
      • Field visits to different breeding stations

      Methods of assessments

      No.The assessment methodsThe assessment date (week)The grade (%)
      1The 1st mid-term exam (written)After the 5th week of the study25%
      2The 2nd mid-term exam (written)After the 10th week of the study25%
      3The final exam (written)After the 12th week of the study50%
      TotalAt the end of the semester100%