This course is essential for the floriculture courses. It includes many contents: studying the
growth of the ornamental plants / the main divisions of ornamental plants/ introducing
the types of summer and winter green spaces and their environmental needs/ cultivation
of flats by vegetative methods and preserving and caring for flats in terms of
irrigation, fertilization, mowing the flat, ventilation and control of weeds,
diseases and insects in the flats, groundcovers/ plant hedges/ cultivation and
propagation of annual and perennial herbaceous plants and care for them/ cultivation,
propagation and care of bulbs/ aromatic herbs/ spiny and succulent plants /
aquatic and semi-aquatic plants/ palm and semi-palm/ identify the types of
shrubs, their cultivation, the agricultural services they need, and the
importance of their different forms in gardens/ how to plan gardens/ preserving
plants grown in private and public gardens in terms of caring for them.
Intended learning outcomes
Successfully completing the course, the
student will be able to:
1. Distinguish between the types of ornamental plants,
the nature of their growth and reproduction
2. Learn about the different types of ornamental plants
and methods of planting and caring for them
3. The arrangement of ornamental plants inside the garden
is distinguished according to the nature of their growth, size, flowering
nature, flower color and other aesthetic characteristics of these plants.
4. Explains the coordination between the park and its
affiliated facility, depending on the facility and its location
5. Explain the principles of preserving plants grown in
private and public gardens in terms of caring for them.
Teaching and learning methods
.1.Theoretical lectures based on good diction and the use
of the fat-blasting method.
2. Discussion and expressing opinions about the scientific
3. Presentation of visual materials (scientific videos
recorded from well-known scientific sites).
4. Making field visits to the college farm.
Methods of assessments
evaluation methods
Rating date (week)
First midterm exam
after the fifth week
Second midterm exam
the tenth week
practical exam
after the twelfth week
Discuss reports
after the twelfth week
final exam
after the twelfth week
the total