This course is essential for breeding and genetic subjects. It
includes many contents: Introduction to plant breeding, methods of
reproduction and their importance, the genetic basis of Clans, the study of
simple adjectives, inheritance of quantitative traits, collecting germplasm and
areas of origin, collection of germplasm and the method of its storage in gene
banks, genetic improvement by selection, hybrid varieties and synthetic
varieties, male infertility, incompatibility, and qualitative hybrids, tissue
culture and its benefits in plant breeding, genetic engineering and genetically
modified crops.
1. Describes the genetic differences and breeding methods of
different horticultural crops
2. Describes the role of diseases and insects in their
influence on the genetic differences between horticultural crops
3. Explains the various steps of conducting breeding for
horticultural crops
4. Explains the concept of modern pedagogy and its
relationship with the development of accompanying Sciences
5. Good general characteristics of horticultural crops are
used in breeding programs