MA1113 :


Department of Gardening

Academic Program

Bachelor in Horticulture







in Math1, the student learns the concepts, terminology, principles, and laws of this course, and how to use functions and their properties in the study of applied models. It also enables the student to link endings, connections, and derivation, and it becomes clear to the student the uses of calculus applications in life sciences. The student will also be able to discuss the different methods of calculating integration and its applications and explain the first-order finite difference models

Intended learning outcomes

Bypass successfully this course, the student should be able to:

a. Knowledge and understanding

b. Mental skills

c. Scientific and professional skills.

d. Generic and transferable skills

Teaching and learning methods

  • Theoretical lectures that depend on good diction.
  • Group discussion panels.
  • Solving exercises

Methods of assessments

No.The assessment methodsThe assessment date (week)The grade (%)
1The 1st mid-term exam (written)After the 5th week of the study25%
2The 2nd mid-term exam (written)After the 10th week of the study25%
3The final exam (written)After the 12th week of the study50%
TotalAt the end of the semester100%