Studying the importance of diseases of horticultural crops, a review of principles of plant diseases, horticultural diseases: classification of their causes, disease cycle, methods of diagnosis of horticultural diseases, the role of survival and spread, methods of entry and growth of the pathogen on the host in the occurrence of symptoms and signs produced by pathogens on horticultural crops, the role of Pathogen materials and environmental factors contributing to the occurrence of infection and disease, its effect on the functions of horticultural crops, methods of controlling diseases of horticultural crops.
Intended learning outcomes
By successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:1. Explain the fundamentals of plant diseases and their importance to horticultural crop diseases (vegetables, fruits, and ornamentals) .2. Distinguish prokaryotes and eukaryotes that cause diseases of horticultural crops (fungi, bacteria, nematodes, nonparasitic and viruses).3. Explains survival, spread, methods of diagnosis, the disease cycle and factors contributing to the occurrence of infection process.4. Differentiate different symptoms and signs. Studying methods of controlling horticultural crop diseases. 5. Identify examples of fungal, bacterial, viral, nonparasitic and nematode diseases on different crops of vegetables, fruits and ornamental plants
Teaching and learning methods
v Methods of teaching and learning:
v Lectures depend on presentations via a Data show with stimulating students to participate in the discussion of course contents.
v Practical lessons explaining the most important diseases caused by bacteria; Its symptoms and causes, a comprehensive explanation with pictures. Field visits to examine the symptoms on plants and their control methods.
v Monthly reports on the most important diseases in the surrounding areas, then a final report showing one of these diseases discussed in seminar lecture that obtained appropriate evaluation.
v Midterm Tests and a final exam to assess the student's understanding of the prescribed contents
Methods of assessments
v Evaluation methods:
v 1st midterm exam
v (Theoretical – practical): 25%
v 2nd midterm exam:
v (Theoretical-practical) :25%
v final exam: (theoretical – practical and reports): 50%
v Total 100 points 100%