The course deals with the taxonomy of bee species, the internal and external anatomy of honey bee, morphological specialization and division of labor between members of the colony, the internal and external tasks of the worker, reproduction and the life cycle of honey bee, behavior, communication between members of the colony, swarming, migration, thermoregulation of the colony, and nutrition in Honey bee, diseases, pests, and predators of honey bee
Intended learning outcomes
After passing the course, students can learn about honey bees, their biological aspects, knowledge of the strains and scientific nomenclature, and distinguish between the queen, worker and male from the morphological and anatomical aspects, and knowing the cycle of beekeeping work and the appropriate timing for each process, determine the foraging of honey bees and how to evaluate them, the ability to interpret the phenomena that occur in the bee colony, how to collect and extract the honey crop and other products, produce bee nucleus and queens, and diagnose diseases, pests and predators of honey bees and how to treat them
Teaching and learning methods
Theoretical lectures, the bee laboratory, visits to the apiary, a visit to the beekeepers association, a discussion during the lecture
Methods of assessments
The first theoretical test 15%, the second test 15%, the final exam 30%, the first practical test 10%, the final practical exam 20%, and a set of short, surprise tests 10%