SW1014 :


Department of Gardening

Academic Program

Bachelor in Horticulture


University requirement





The principles of Soil science course explains the basic concepts of soil science. This course introduces the different soil components, and the different soil formation factors and processes. This course deals with the morphological properties of the soil profile and its surrounding environment, as well as the physical, chemical, biological, and colloidal soil properties and their relationship to soil and plants. Students in this course will know all the different branches of soil sciences

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of the course, the student will be able to:

A. Knowledge and understanding

A.1. Mention the concept of agricultural soil, soil components, factors-formation processes, morphological soil properties, identification of surface and subsurface diagnostic horizons, and some scientific terms

A.2. Explains the physical properties of soil, such as texture, color, structure, cohesion, density, soil air and temperature, and porosity, whether in the field or in the laboratory.

A.3. Mentions the chemical soil properties such as soil pH, cationic exchange capacity, saturation percentage with bases and acids, ESP and soil salinity. And how to calculate the moisture content of the soil and study it in the laboratory and the movement of water in the soil

A.4. Compare organic and mineral colloids.

A.5. Distinguish between simple and compound fertilizers, how to calculate the amount of fertilizer added to the required area, and prepare the mixed fertilizer.

B. Mental Skills

B.1. Describes the soil profile and its surrounding environment

B.2. Shows the type of soil and how to deal with it in the field.

B.3. Shows the type of soil and how to reclaim it.

B.4. Discusses the mineral composition of the soil and its relationship to the factors affecting it

B.5. Distinguish the types of simple fertilizers from the compound and the role of the organism in the availability of the element to the plant.

C. Practical & professional skills

C.1. Explain the soil profile and its surrounding environment and what can be concluded about it.

C.2. Write a report on the collected information and data.

C.3. Apply practical experiments in the field and laboratory.

C.4. Participates in awareness activities for soil reclamation.

C.5. Acquiring the skill of using the Internet.

D. Generic and transferable skills

D.1. Uses scientific terminology in communication and communication.

D.2. Uses modern technology to search for information.

D.3. Works within a research team to collect and analyze samples.

D.4. Propose awareness programs to preserve soil, water, and plants.

D.5. Communicate effectively with others.

Teaching and learning methods

1. Theoretical lectures based on good diction and the use of brainstorming methods.

2. The laboratory conducts laboratory experiments and field visits.

Methods of assessments


Assessment Methods

Assessment date



First midterm exam

After the fifth week of study

20 %


Second midterm exam

After the tenth week of study

20 %


Practical exam

After the tenth week of study

10 %


Final midterm exam

After the week of twelfth study


