
Department of Gardening

Academic Program

Bachelor in Horticulture







This course explains to the student the relationship between general zoology and various related sciences such as (histology, embryology, physiology, etc.), explains the different cell structures and functions (cell membrane, nucleus, nucleic acids, cytoplasmic organelles), and enables the student to identify the structure of the all systems in the body, the functions of the various organs of the body, and the physiological and mechanical processes related to those functions. It also explains the different types of animal tissues, their structures, their locations, and their function within each organ.

Intended learning outcomes

Bypass successfully this course, the student should be able to:

a. knowledge and understanding:

  • Recognize the concept of zoology and the associated various sciences.
  • Describe the animal cell and its various structures, knowing the form and function of all its biological and chemical components.
  • Explain the different body systems with an understanding of their mechanism of compatibility in maintaining the body's internal balance.
  • Know the functions of the internal and external organs of the body and their mechanism of action to carry out their vital functions.
  • Classify the different tissues that make up each organ to distinguish the function of the tissue and the organ in general.

b. Mental c skills:

  • Connect the various majors and concepts of related sciences and their branches.
  • Discuss the mechanisms of animal cell junctions and transport of various materials across the cell membrane and the vital role of genetic material within the nucleus.
  • Identify the main constituent members of each organ and the functions assigned to them to organize the function of the whole organ.
  • Explain the vital processes and mechanisms used for the organs to carry out their functions and activities within the body.
  • Connect the tissue structure of each organ in the body and the function of this organ.

c. Practical & professional skills:

  • Set a general outline of zoology and its branching sciences in a way that shows the connection of applied sciences with each other.
  • Design models and illustrations about the structure of the cell and its most important vital functions within the body.
  • Review all vital body systems to form an overview of how an animal's body works as one unit.
  • Bring together the main components of each system with their functions, structure and mechanism of action as a single system.
  • Apply laboratory concepts using light microscopy and preparing samples to identify different body tissues.

d. Generic and transferable skills:

  • Adheres to time.
  • Adheres to university student ethics.
  • Uses modern scientific tools and media
  • Communicates with colleagues.
  • Solve the problems you face in cooperation with others

Teaching and learning methods

  • Theoretical lectures based on good diction and the use of the mental sharing method.
  • Practical lectures on the use of a microscope to identify microscopic samples or images displayed on the DATA SHOW.
  • The use of illustrative scientific models videos.

Methods of assessments

o.The assessment methodsThe assessment date (week)The grade (%)
1The 1st mid-term exam (written)After the 5th week of the study20%
2The 2nd mid-term exam (written)After the 10th week of the study20%
3The mid-term exam (practical)After the 10th week of the study10%
4The final exam (written)After the 12th week of the study50%
TotalAt the end of the semester100