ZO615 : Cell & Molecular Biology


Department of Zoology

Academic Program

Master in Evolutionary Biology







This course will cover multidisciplinary approaches to address essential questions concerning cellular and molecular mechanisms of disease. There is a focus on important cellular processes including ER stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, protein synthesis and turnover, and DNA damage responses. Malfunctions within the pathways regulating these processes, often resulting from mutations in key proteins, cause a range of human diseases including cancer. To understand the structures, mechanism and regulations of the key complexes involved, we will cover a variety of methodologies from various disciplines, including biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, genetics, development, medicine and environmental science. As earlier lectures provide the foundation for the understanding of later lectures, continuous presence and active participation will be essential. The course focuses on how experimental data are obtained and interpreted, which should make the module especially valuable to students who are interested in experimental science.

Intended learning outcomes

ù To develop an understanding of the causes and mechanisms of disease and the associated alterations of structure and function.

ù To develop skills of observation, interpretation, and integration needed to analyze human disease. When provided with the clinical history, the anatomical lesions, and the laboratory data of a patient, to determine the most likely diagnosis and explain the pathogenesis of the disease

Teaching and learning methods

ù This is not a lecture course. It is impossible to cover all of the textbook material in a classroom setting. Students must read and learn from the book. It is recommended that you read the “Recommended” textbooks.

ù Instruction is provided in many formats: small groups (tutorials), with computer modules, case studies, all of which are designed to help you learn to utilize information acquired from reading.

ù An outline of the course and objectives for each lecture and section follows this introduction.

Journal Article Analysis

Each student will be assigned a published peer reviewed disease journal article to analyze. The analysis will be due two weeks after the date the article was received. The analysis must be typed. The analysis should be 2-4 pages in length. The analysis must include the following:

ù Title page - Include name, date, course title and number, instructor, title of article, authors Introduction - Summary of what the article is about; How is the work novel? What questions are the authors trying to answer?

ù Methods - Describe the experimental design of the study and any model systems used

ù Results - Present the experimental findings of the authors

ù Discussion - Discuss the results presented by the authors and state whether the results were expected or unexpected

ù Conclusion - What have you learned from the article? Do you feel the article was well written? How should the article be modified?

Group' Presentation

Each student will be assigned a published peer reviewed disease journal article to analyze. The analysis will be presented orally during class. Articles will be assigned at least two weeks prior to the date of presentation. Presentations should be prepared in PowerPoint. Each presentation will be approximately 15 minutes long. There will be a 5 minute Question and Answer period following the conclusion of each presentation. The presentations must include the following:

ù Title slide - Include names of group members, date, title of article, author's names, and journal title

ù Background - Include pertinent background information so the audience will be able to follow the presentation easily. Example: If your article discusses lung cancer, I would expect you to include some general statistics on this type of cancer and current treatments used.

ù Methods - Explain what methods were used in the article

ù Results - Present each figure separately. Explain what experimental question the authors are trying to address

ù Conclusion - What conclusions did the authors make?

Methods of assessments

There will be three exams during the course. The exams will each cover one-third of the material, including basic concepts learned from discussion of the primary literature. Graduate students enrolled in the course will be required to contribute to in class explanation of advanced techniques related to the research articles. The final cumulative grade will be based on:

ù Quizzes 5%

ù Papers and class participation: 20%

ù Midterm exam 1: 25%

ù Midterm exam 2: 25%

ù Final exam (non-cumulative): 25%

Your lowest quiz score will be dropped. Final grades will likely be assigned according to a straight percentage distribution: A = 90-100%; B = 80-89.9%; C = 70-79.9%; D = 60-69.9%; F =


Students are expected to attend all classes. This is an interactive course that is research oriented and is heavily based on discussions. If you do not attend, you will not be able to participate. The tolerated limit of necessary absences is three class meetings.

Part- I: Lectures Outlines

1. The Nature and Investigation of Diseases

2. Pathogens and Virulence

3. Infectious Diseases and Treatments

4. Disorders of the Immune System

5. Diet and Disease

6. Disorders of the Gastrointestinal Tract, Pancreas, Liver and Gall Bladder

7. Disorders of the Blood

8. Disorders of the Cardiovascular System

9. Genetic Diseases

10. Membrane, Organelle and Cytoskeletal Disorders

11. Aging and Disease

12. Neurodegenerative Disorders

a. Introduction, Overview, Historical Perspective

Reading for class discussion:

ù Bossy-Wetzel, Schwarzenbacher, Lipton (2004) Molecular pathways to neurodegeneration. Nature Medicine S2-S9.

b. β-amyloid Hypothesis and Tauopathies

Reading for class discussion:

ù Wirths, Multhaup, Bayer (2004) A modified beta-amyloid hypothesis: intraneuronal accumulation of the beta anyloid peptide--the first step of a fatal cascade, Journal of Neurochemisty 91(3):513-520.

ù Lee, Goedert, Trojanowski (2001) Neurodegenerative tauopathies. Annual Review Neuroscience 24:1121-1159.

c. α-Synucleinopathies and Polyglutamine Repeat Diseases

Reading for discussion:

ù Gunawardena and Goldstein (2005) Polyglutamine diseases and transport problems: deadly traffic jams on neuronal highways. Archives of Neurology 62(1):46-51.

ù Everett and Wood (2004) Trinucleotide repeats and neurodegenerative disease. Brain 127(Pt 11):2385-2405.

ù Morfine, Pigino, and Bradley (2005) Polyglutamine expansion diseases: failing to deliver. Trends in Molecular Medicine 11(2):64-70.

d. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Superoxide Dismutase; Creutzfeldt-Jakob and Prion Protein Diseases.

Reading for class discussion:

ù Lindgerg, Bystrom, Boknas, Anderson and Oliveberg (2005) Systematically perturbed folding patterns of amyotropic lateral sclerosis (ALS)-associated SOD-1 mutants. PNAS 102(28):9745-9750.

e. Genetic Contributions to Neurodegenerative Disease

Reading for class discussion:

ù Spire and Hannon (2005) Nature, nurture, and neurology: gene-environment interactions in neurodegenerative disease. FEBS J 272(10):2347-2361.

ù Class Activity: Cell Death Pathways

f. Axonal Transport Defects. Misfolding and Aggregation of Disease Proteins

Reading for class discussion:

ù Roy, Zhang, M.-Y Lee, Trojanowski (2005) Axonal transport defects: a common theme in neurodegenerative diseases. Acta Neuropathol 109-5-13.

g. Oxdative Alterations. Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Reading for class discussion:

ù Facheris, Beretta, and Ferrarese (2004) Peripheral markers of oxidative stress and excitotocicity in neurodegenerative disorders: tools for diagnosis and therapy? J Alzheimers Dis 6(2):177-184.

h. Future Strategies – Stem Cells and Gene Therapy

Reading for class discussion:

ù Ruszynsk, Thai, Pay, Salmon, Sang, Bakay, et al (2005) A Phase I clinical trial of nerve growth factor gene therapy for Alzheimer’s disease. Nature Medicine 11(5): 551-556.

ù Lindvall, Kokaia, Martinez-Serrano (2004) Stem cell therapy for human neurodegenerative disorders-how to make it work. Nature Medicine Suppl:S42-50.

ù Mohapel and Brudin (2004) Harnessing endogenous stem cells to treat neurodegenerative disorders of the basal ganglia. Parkinsonism Related Disorders 10(5):259-264.

ù Mendez, Sanchez-Pernaute, Cooper, Vinuela, Ferrari, Bjorklund, Dagher, Isacson (2005) Cell type analysis of functional fetal dopamine cell suspension transplants in the striatum and substantia nigra of patients with Parkinson’s Disease. Brain 128:1498-1510.

13. Remaining weeks: Oral presentations and paper discussion

Part-II: Laboratory Outline

Experimental strategies and molecular biology techniques: Western blotting, Immunocytochemistry, RFLP, Q-RT-PCR, DNA-PCR and direct DNA sequencing. Model systems used to study diseases: in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo model.


ù Ahmed et al. (2007). Biology of Disease. 1st edition. Taylor & Francis Group, New York.

Recommended Textbooks:

ù Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease –Kumar, Abbas, Fausto W.B. Saunders, 8th ed., 2010.

ù Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, McGraw-Hill, 17th Edition. This edition is in electronic form is also available in the library on MD consult