AP3204 : Reproductive Physiology


Department of Animal Production

Academic Program

Bachelor in Animal Production






AP 2204


In the Reproductive Physiology course, the student will be introduced to the structure and functions of the reproductive system of farm animals, the most important endocrine glands in the body and their hormones, and their relationship to the reproductive systems. The course will also enable the student to distinguish the reproductive cycles of different farm animals and explain the correct scientific and practical methods to raise and improve reproductive efficiency and the vital techniques used in raising farm animals.

Intended learning outcomes

Bypass successfully this course, the student should be able to:

a. Knowledge and understanding:

  • Know the reproductive organs, their structure and function in the body.
  • Understand the basics of how the reproductive organs work and their relationship to reproductive hormones.
  • Learn about reproductive management in farm animals.
  • Explain problems or diseases related to reproductive efficiency and methods of treatment and improvement.
  • Know the techniques used in artificial insemination and the transfer of eggs and embryos.

b. Mental skills:

  • Connect the functions of the reproductive organs and their mode of operation with the animal's reproductive efficiency.
  • Analyzes the mechanism of action of the reproductive organs.
  • Solve problems related to reproductive efficiency.
  • Connect reproductive management in the herd to reproductive efficiency.
  • Use the techniques used in artificial insemination and the transfer of eggs and embryos for the purpose of improving reproductive efficiency.

c. Scientific and professional skills:

  • Use the mechanisms of work of the reproductive organs to raise the reproductive efficiency of the animal.
  • Distinguish methods of dealing with animals to manage the reproductive process in terms of detection of estrus, the appropriate time for vaccination, and detection of pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Apply methods of using artificial insemination techniques to improve reproductive efficiency in farm animals.
  • Earn sufficient experience to deal with farm animals to use devices and equipment to improve the animal's reproductive efficiency and productivity.
  • Design and suggest methods for the reproductive management of the herd.

d. Generic and transferable skills:

  • Adhere to work ethics.
  • Adhere to the general regulations of the college and the department.
  • Communicate with others within teamwork teams.
  • Use some basic and modern laboratory equipment.
  • Solve the problems you face in cooperation with others.

Teaching and learning methods

  • Theoretical lectures are based on good diction and the use of the group discussion method.
  • Using a visual projector, video clips, and scientific illustrations.
  • Practical lectures and field visits to animal research centers and stations are evaluated within the practical degree.

Methods of assessments


Assessments methodsAssessments date (week)The grade (%)
11st midterm exam (Written) After the 5th week of study25%
22nd midterm exam (Written)After the 10th week of study25%
3Final exam (Written )After the 12th week of study50%
TotalAt the end of the semester100%

The references:-

فسيولوجيا التناسل والتلقيح الصناعيجامعة طرابلس2014

د. امحمد بالرحال - د. حسن المبروك

فسيولوجيا الحيوان (التكاثر والإدرار)جامعة عمر المختار1988

د. عبد الله عبد الرحم زايد

د. احمد المجدوب القماطي