MVPT303 : General Clinical Pathology


Department of Animal Pathology & Clinical Pathology

Academic Program

Master in Pathology







The program graduates highly qualified graduate students in the field of veterinary medicine, specializing in pathology and laboratory diagnosis.Increasing the ability of veterinarians to conduct scientific research, writing and translating subtle pathological changes in various tissues and organs.Preparing veterinarians and qualifying them for scientific research, conducting laboratory studies, and reaching an accurate diagnosis of diseases.Graduating veterinarians who are able to enter the field of disease diagnostic laboratories and diagnose diseases based on the results of laboratory analyzes.

Intended learning outcomes

1. The student should be able to work with high efficiency in the field of diagnosing diseases using modern laboratory methods.

2. To familiarize the student with the diagnosis of epidemic diseases and the conduct of various laboratory tests.

3. The student should familiarize himself with recording results and writing scientific reports to obtain a diagnosis of diseases.

4. The student should know the nature of diseases, the mechanism of their occurrence and development, and write the results of laboratory analyzes in the scientific diagnostic reports.

5. That the student be able to use the results of laboratory tests, link their results, and know the causes of changes.

6. The student should be able to write notes on the subtle biological changes in the body and link them to the results of laboratory tests.

7. The student should be able to interpret and analyze the laboratory results in order to reach an accurate diagnosis of the disease.

8. That the student be able to develop the mechanism of disease occurrence and diagnosis.

Teaching and learning methods

1. Lectures using a PowerPoint presentation, including pictures and video clips.

2. Laboratory exercises (practical training in which the student is trained on various devices).

3. Panel discussions