An introduction to computing and program development in the C programming language. This includes a brief introduction to basic computer concepts, an understanding of the operating system sufficient for writing program. introduction to computer programming; Getting started in C programming: introduction to basic program syntax; Printing messages, data types and declarations, numeric and character data, expressions, printing results, and variables; Processing and interactive input: assignments, counting, and input and output of data; C's conditional statements; C's looping statements; Modularity using functions: user--defined functions, parameters and return values, standard library functions, scope, call--by--reference; More modularity using functions: scope, storage class, and call--by--reference; Arrays: single and two dimensional arrays, initializers, array parameters; Character strings: processing strings using loops, some character and string library functions; Structures: structure concepts, structures as parameters, arrays of structures; Additional or miscellaneous topics other material as time permits.