ITGS111 : Intro to Information Technology


Department of Information Systems

Academic Program

Bachelor in Information Systems







The course introduces modern management techniques that are used for the marketing, selling, and distribution of goods and services through the Internet. Topics include: E-business Strategy, Business Models in the new world, Cyber-services, E-business relationships, E-business technology, E-Marketing and e-payment, Antecedents and barriers to e-commerce, Business Process Management, Case studies with LAB work.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding

student should abel to :
  • understand the basic concepts of information technology
  • know the tasks, types, uses and components of the computer
  • know the hardware and software components of the computer
  • explain the number systems and methods of conversion from one number system to another and the relationship between the number systems
  • enumerates the filtered gate and explains the relationship between inputs and outputs
  • explain to the student the components, uses and features of the World Wide Web
  • remember how to provide protection for the information system and know the risks facing the information system
  • enumerate the types of viruses that infect the computer and methods of protection against them
  • explain the basics of networks and their types

mental skills

student should abel to :
  • distinguish the physical and software components of a computer
  • solves the arithmetic operations on different types of numerical systems and converts from one number system to another
  • deduce the relationship between logic gates and the relationship between inputs and outputs
  • link between the risks facing the information system and how to protect the information system
  • compare the types of viruses and how to protect against them
  • compare the types of networks and ways to benefit from them

Practical and professional skills

student should abel to :
  • Distinguishing between the different physical components of a computer in terms of input, output, connectivity, and so on
  • Performing various arithmetic operations on different numerical systems and comparing them
  • Perform logical operations on different logical gates
  • Use of the World Wide Web
  • apply the simplest methods of protecting the information system
  • distinguish between different types of networks and use each type

General and transferable skills

  • Effective use of available knowledge and resources
  • Search ability
  • Ability to work in groups
  • Formation of panels for discussion and research
  • Hand in assignments or reports

Teaching and learning methods

  • Lectures
  • Tutorials
  • Problem-based learning
  • Mini-projects

Methods of assessments

  • Midterm Exam I = 25
  • Midterm Exam II = 25
  • Final Exam = 50

Course contents

  • Basic concepts of information technology
  • Introduction to computers
  • Computer hardware and software components
  • numerical systems
  • Types of number systems
  • Converting between numerical systems
  • Boolean algebra
  • logical gates
  • Internet
  • Information protection
  • Computer viruses
  • Introduction to computer networks
  • The impact of computer networks in modern technology
  • areas of information technology

Information Retrieval Systems (ITIS401)
Knowledge Management (ITIS402)
Data Mining/Business Intelligence (ITIS404)
Business Process Management (ITIS405)
Decision support system (ITIS406)
IS Innovation and New Technologies (ITIS407)
E-Government (ITIS408)
Physics (ITPH111)
Mathematics I (ITMM111)
Arabic language 1 (ITAR111)
Problem solving Technic (ITGS113)
Intro to Information Technology (ITGS111)
General English1 (ITEL111)
Mathematics II (ITMM122)
logic Circuit Design (ITGS126)
System Analysis and Design (ITGS124)
Introduction to Programming (ITGS122)
General English2 (ITEL122)
Arabic language 2 (ITAR122)
Introduction to Statistics (ITST211)
Object Oriented Programmin (ITGS211)
Introduction to Software Engineering (ITGS213)
Introduction to Networking (ITGS215)
Discrete Structures (ITGS217)
Numerical analysis (ITGS219)
Computer Architucture & Organization (ITGS223)
Data Structure (ITGS220)
Foundation of Information Systems (ITGS222)
Information Security (ITGS224)
Introduction to Internet Programming (ITGS226)
Introduction to database (ITGS228)
Operating System (ITGS302)
Scientific Writing (ITGS304)
Web Application Development (ITIS311)
Human Computer Interaction (ITIS312)
Data and Information Management (ITIS313)
Advanced Databases (ITIS325)
IT Infrastructure (ITIS323)
Design and Analysis algorithms (ITGS301)
Multimedia Systems (ITIS324)
Advanced System analysis & Design (ITIS326)
Enterprise Architecture (ITIS411)
Risk management and Security (ITIS412)
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (ITIS413)
IT Project Management (ITGS303)
Enterprise Systems (ITIS421)
IS strategy ,management and acquisition (ITIS422)