Nouns (types, function, derivations), adjectives (types, sequence, derivations) adverbs (forms, position), use and forms of the ultimate tense, interrogative formations, negative of verbs. Passive constructions (forms, usages), adjective clauses (recognition and types, case of relative pronoun), gerund phrases, infinitive phrases, listening comprehension.
Intended learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students should be able to :
Develop speaking and writing skills.
Differentiate between numbers and telling the time in English.
Be able to use English tenses and pronouns correctly.
Be able to ask questions and make negations.
Develop reading and comprehending short English texts .
Formulate meaningful simple paragraphs and sentences.
Use English common tenses and structures such as ( simple present, present continuous ,simple past…)
Use daily common vocabulary and phrases
Teaching and learning methods
Panel discussions
Methods of assessments
Mid- exam ( Written ) = 40 Marks
Final- exam ( Written) = 60 Marks
Course contents
"Personal information " Forming negatives and questions
"Family and friend " Possessive adjectives
"Routines and leisure " Simple present
"Every day " Telling the time
"Places I like " Object pronouns
"Determiners " Articles
"A postcard from Dublin " Reading and Writing
"Words go together " Daily vocabulary and speaking
"Adjectives" Opposites
Various themes such as hobbies, shopping and routines.