An introduction to computing and program development in the C programming language. This includes a brief introduction to basic computer concepts, an understanding of the operating system sufficient for writing program. introduction to computer programming; Getting started in C programming: introduction to basic program syntax; Printing messages, data types and declarations, numeric and character data, expressions, printing results, and variables; Processing and interactive input: assignments, counting, and input and output of data; C's conditional statements; C's looping statements; Modularity using functions: user--defined functions, parameters and return values, standard library functions, scope, call--by--reference; More modularity using functions: scope, storage class, and call--by--reference; Arrays: single and two dimensional arrays, initializers, array parameters; Character strings: processing strings using loops, some character and string library functions; Structures: structure concepts, structures as parameters, arrays of structures; Additional or miscellaneous topics other material as time permits.
Intended learning outcomes
Knowledge &understand
The student's knowledge of the history of programming languages
Knowing the Variables, their types, and characteristics
Know the control and repetition sentences IF Statement, For Loop and While
Define and apply User Functions and the concept of Function Recursion
Knowledge and application of the concept of Pointers
mental skills
The student should compare between Variables and Constants
The student should distinguish between the use of types of variables and C reserved Keywords
The student should conclude the optimal use of Control sentences and repetition in writing programs
The student should distinguish the difference between the application of return by reference and return by value
The student should analyze the collection of data with different types using Struct
Practical & professional skills
Download and install the appropriate IDE software for the purpose of software development
RUN and DEBUG work to run programs and trace errors if any
Writing and running programs on a mobile phone in the absence of a laptop
Write and run programs using any text editor and Compiler
General and transferable skills
Ability to submit assignments and write reports
Ability to load and run programs in other operating systems such as Cygwin or Linux
The ability to download and install the latest versions from the Internet for IDE programs
Ability to run all programs written in the same programming language
Teaching and learning methods
From YouTube video Instructor’s lectures
PDF lectures are on the ClassHub learning platform