ITGS223 : Computer Architucture & Organization


Department of Information Systems

Academic Program

Bachelor in Information Systems








System-level aspects of computing systems design, interconnection structures, Cache memory principles; Main memory; External memory; Input/ Output; CPU structure and function; computer arithmetic; instruction sets: characteristics and functions; instruction sets: addressing modes and formats; Control unit operation and design; Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC); Instruction-Level Parallelism and Superscalar Processors.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding

student should abel to :
  • familiarize with the structural foundations of computer system science and its levels.
  • familiarize with the origins of computer system design, its history, performance measures and efficiency points.
  • familiarize with the computer system.
  • familiarize with the physical units of the computer system and their design and the mechanism of work of the unit.

mental skills

student should abel to :
  • distinguish computer system sciences and the levels and diversity of its sciences.
  • have an adequate idea of the origins of the computer system, its history, how to measure its performance, and the parameters of its efficiency.
  • learn the basics of the arithmetic system in the computer system.
  • distinguish the exact procedures for the operation of the control unit and the mechanism for executing computer instructions.

Practical skills and professionalism

student should abel to :
  • know the characteristics of the processor.
  • uses the processor to program it to solve a problem.
  • envision and execute the execution of a program in processor language on an emulation of a virtual processor.

General and transferable skills

  • Compatibility with exam performance.
  • And the delivery of the mechanisms on time (time management).
  • Oral communication through recipes.
  • Use processor emulators to write assembly language programs.

Teaching and learning methods

  • Lectures.
  • exercises.
  • Duties.
  • writing programs.
  • Simulation shows the work of the processor.

Methods of assessments

  • Midterm written test = 30
  • Continuous rating = 5
  • Practical test = 10
  • Study homework = 5
  • Final written test = 50

Course contents

  • Definition of computer organization and architecture, computer system function, computer system structure, hierarchy of computer system levels.
  • A brief history of computers: The first generation: the "von Neumann" model of the computer system, the second generation: transistors, the third generation: integrated circuits, and the last generations: super integrated circuits.
  • Design for performance: processor speed, performance balance, improvements in chip organization and architecture, performance evaluation, pulse rate and instruction rate, benchmarks.
  • General structure of a computer system: computer components, computer function, instruction cycle, interrupts, input/output function, interconnection structures, bus interconnection, bus architecture, structure and design.
  • Arithmetic processing in the computer: the unit of arithmetic and logic, the representation of integers, the representation of the second complement, the arithmetic of integers: negation, addition and subtraction, multiplication, division, floating point representation of the setting in IEEE-754 format.
  • Instruction set architecture: properties of processor instructions, processor instruction elements, instruction representation, instruction types, number of parameters, types of parameters, types of operations.
  • Addressing methods and instruction formats: immediate addressing, direct addressing, indirect addressing, register addressing, indirect register addressing, offset addressing, stack addressing, addressing methods for Intel processors, instruction format, instruction length, bit assignment, assembly language.
  • Processor: Organizing the processor, organizing registers, general registers, status codes, control and monitoring registers, instruction cycle, fragmented instruction, import processing strategy, supply line risks.
  • A simulation program for a virtual processor, how it works and programming it in assembly language using its own set of instructions, writing programs for the processor, diagnosing errors and treating them.
  • An overview of the computer memory system: Characteristics of memory systems: location, capacity, transfer unit, communication method, performance, physical type, physical properties, organization, memory hierarchy.
  • Principles of fast memory: elements of fast memory design, fast memory addressing, fast memory size, matching method, associative matching, replacement algorithms, writing policy, template size, fast memory levels.
  • Internal memory: basic organization, interactive memory, static memory, read-only memory, electronic memory chips, electronic memory organization, interleaved memory, chip encapsulation, error correction mechanism, advanced interactive memory organization.
  • External memory: magnetic disk, magnetic mechanism for reading and writing, data organization and formatting, magnetic disk performance factors, redundant rows of independent disks, solid state drive, flash memory, organizing solid state drive, optical memory, compact disk, magnetic tape.
  • I/O Modules: External Devices, I/O Modules, I/O Module Function, I/O Module Structure, Programmable I/O, Interrupt I/O, Direct Memory Access, Programmable I/O Defects and Interrupt, Direct Access Function for memory.

Information Retrieval Systems (ITIS401)
Knowledge Management (ITIS402)
Data Mining/Business Intelligence (ITIS404)
Business Process Management (ITIS405)
Decision support system (ITIS406)
IS Innovation and New Technologies (ITIS407)
E-Government (ITIS408)
Physics (ITPH111)
Mathematics I (ITMM111)
Arabic language 1 (ITAR111)
Problem solving Technic (ITGS113)
Intro to Information Technology (ITGS111)
General English1 (ITEL111)
Mathematics II (ITMM122)
logic Circuit Design (ITGS126)
System Analysis and Design (ITGS124)
Introduction to Programming (ITGS122)
General English2 (ITEL122)
Arabic language 2 (ITAR122)
Introduction to Statistics (ITST211)
Object Oriented Programmin (ITGS211)
Introduction to Software Engineering (ITGS213)
Introduction to Networking (ITGS215)
Discrete Structures (ITGS217)
Numerical analysis (ITGS219)
Computer Architucture & Organization (ITGS223)
Data Structure (ITGS220)
Foundation of Information Systems (ITGS222)
Information Security (ITGS224)
Introduction to Internet Programming (ITGS226)
Introduction to database (ITGS228)
Operating System (ITGS302)
Scientific Writing (ITGS304)
Web Application Development (ITIS311)
Human Computer Interaction (ITIS312)
Data and Information Management (ITIS313)
Advanced Databases (ITIS325)
IT Infrastructure (ITIS323)
Design and Analysis algorithms (ITGS301)
Multimedia Systems (ITIS324)
Advanced System analysis & Design (ITIS326)
Enterprise Architecture (ITIS411)
Risk management and Security (ITIS412)
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (ITIS413)
IT Project Management (ITGS303)
Enterprise Systems (ITIS421)
IS strategy ,management and acquisition (ITIS422)