ITGS304 : Scientific Writing


Department of Information Systems

Academic Program

Bachelor in Information Systems







This course covers topics related to IT. It covers reading, grammatical, writing skills in the context ot IT. It covers topics such as: IT terminology definitions, relative clauses, clauses with: who, what, which, etc. It includes several reading and writing exercises.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding

student should :
  • recognizes his mistakes in writing and corrects them.
  • remembers how to use skills such as citation, data analysis and comparison in academic writing.
  • be familiar with the vocabulary and phrases used in academic writing.
  • writes correct sentences in English.
  • defines the form of plagiarism and how to avoid it.

mental skills

student should :
  • distinguishes between academic and non-academic writing.
  • acquires the ability to link similar ideas to reach unity of meaning and subject.
  • acquires the ability to compare and analyze through training in writing academic articles.
  • distinguishes between the different types of academic essays and their writing methods.
  • acquires the ability to criticize and not accept what is not scientific and accurate.

Practical and professional skills

student should :
  • uses academic writing as a tool to express his opinions in an accurate scientific manner.
  • be able to successfully complete the tasks required of him within his academic environment.
  • uses academic writing to communicate and exchange knowledge inside and outside his academic environment.

General and transferable skills

  • The student learns how to use technology in preparing and completing academic writing.
  • The student learns ways to organize his thoughts and formulate them clearly and correctly.
  • The student learns how to work as a team to accomplish some of the tasks required of him.

Teaching and learning methods

  • Lectures
  • Tutorials
  • Problem-based learning

Methods of assessments

  • Midterm Exam I = 25
  • Midterm Exam II = 25
  • Final Exam = 50

    Course contents

  • Course Introduction- What is academic writing?
  • What is a sentence? (English sentence structure) - Types of sentences
  • The writing process: prewriting stage - What is a paragraph? (The three parts of a paragraph)
  • Outlining a paragraph - Unity & Coherence within a paragraph
  • General academic vocabulary & word combinations
  • - Using academic vocabulary in: Organizing writing & describing methods- Transition words/expressions
  • Writing paragraphs: - Descriptive paragraphs - Comparison/contrast
  • What is an essay? (Five- paragraph essay) - Unity & Coherence within an essay
  • Writing essays: - Descriptive essay - Comparison/contrast essay
  • Writing essays: - Process analysis essay - Cause and effect essay
  • Using supportive details: facts, quotations and statistics
  • Interpreting and comparing data
  • Paraphrasing & Summarizing

Information Retrieval Systems (ITIS401)
Knowledge Management (ITIS402)
Data Mining/Business Intelligence (ITIS404)
Business Process Management (ITIS405)
Decision support system (ITIS406)
IS Innovation and New Technologies (ITIS407)
E-Government (ITIS408)
Physics (ITPH111)
Mathematics I (ITMM111)
Arabic language 1 (ITAR111)
Problem solving Technic (ITGS113)
Intro to Information Technology (ITGS111)
General English1 (ITEL111)
Mathematics II (ITMM122)
logic Circuit Design (ITGS126)
System Analysis and Design (ITGS124)
Introduction to Programming (ITGS122)
General English2 (ITEL122)
Arabic language 2 (ITAR122)
Introduction to Statistics (ITST211)
Object Oriented Programmin (ITGS211)
Introduction to Software Engineering (ITGS213)
Introduction to Networking (ITGS215)
Discrete Structures (ITGS217)
Numerical analysis (ITGS219)
Computer Architucture & Organization (ITGS223)
Data Structure (ITGS220)
Foundation of Information Systems (ITGS222)
Information Security (ITGS224)
Introduction to Internet Programming (ITGS226)
Introduction to database (ITGS228)
Operating System (ITGS302)
Scientific Writing (ITGS304)
Web Application Development (ITIS311)
Human Computer Interaction (ITIS312)
Data and Information Management (ITIS313)
Advanced Databases (ITIS325)
IT Infrastructure (ITIS323)
Design and Analysis algorithms (ITGS301)
Multimedia Systems (ITIS324)
Advanced System analysis & Design (ITIS326)
Enterprise Architecture (ITIS411)
Risk management and Security (ITIS412)
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (ITIS413)
IT Project Management (ITGS303)
Enterprise Systems (ITIS421)
IS strategy ,management and acquisition (ITIS422)