FR124 : Written Expression and Comprehension 2


Department of French Language

Academic Program

Bachelor in French Language







This course aims to develop the skills of comprehension and written expression among beginning students. The lecture begins with understanding a written text, then the students are asked to write a similar text, and they are corrected collectively and given notes. In general, the course aims to enable the student to understand very simple sentences, find specific, predictable information in simple everyday documents such as flyers, menus, advertisements, rosters, and timetables, and to understand most of what people say about themselves or what the course focuses on getting the student started writing simple texts. They are coherent and use a series of memorized sentences to describe his family and other people, his living conditions, his education and his current professional activity.

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of Week 14, the student should be able to:
  • Understand very simple sentences, and find specific and predictable information in simple everyday documents such as flyers, menus, advertisements, menus and schedules.
  • Understand most of what people write about themselves or what they say they like in others
  • Writing simple and coherent texts. He will be able to use a series of memorized sentences to describe his family and other people, his living conditions, his education and his current professional activity.

Teaching and learning methods

  • Theoretical lectures
  • Periodic assignments where the student writes and reviews at home.
  • Exercises and tests

Methods of assessments

  • Duties/activities 10
  • Written exam 30
  • Final exam 60
  • Total 100

The Basic sources and References of the Course