The main objective of the study of school sports 1 is to prepare and train the student and prepare him to stand in the actual classroom and explain the mathematics curriculum in the middle school stage, which is a fertile ground on which the student stands in the future and is a basic requirement for practical education
Intended learning outcomes
The student is able to stand in the field and carry out the tasks of a mathematics teacher in the classroom, and is able to apply the methods of teaching mathematics, and to prepare achievement tests well.
Teaching and learning methods
Several methods are used to complete this course, such as lecture, self-learning, learning using flipped classes, and critical and evaluative study by the course instructor and his colleagues using all possible means of explanation.
Methods of assessments
Evaluation is done using oral tests by 20% and written by 40%, and assigning some tasks such as explaining a lesson from the mathematics book from the middle school by 40%.